keadilan transformatif bahasa Inggris
- keadilan: equity; justice; justness; righteousness; social
- keadilan: equity; justice; justness; righteousness; social justice; fairness; impartiality; right; fair-mindedness; candor; justice department; department of justice; rightfulness; nonpartisanship; candour; i
- diakonia transformatif: transformative social change
- Former politician and community health scholar Mathura Shrestha, on the other hand, describes Aṅgulimāla's story as "robably the first concept of transformative justice", citing Aṅgulimāla's repentance and renunciation of his former life as a brigand, and the pardon he eventually receives from relatives of victims.
Di sisi lain, mantan politikus dan cendekiawan kesehatan masyarakat Mathura Shrestha mendeskripsikan cerita Aṅgulimāla sebagai "mungkin konsep pertama dari keadilan transformatif', mengutip pertobatan Aṅgulimāla dan penarikan kehidupan lamanya sebagai perampok, dan sehingga ia kemudian diterima para kerabat korban.